Notebook Blog Aggregator

This is a list of known notebook blogs. If you want to add your blog, please contact me. If you have a GitHub account, you can also open an Issue or PR.

You can use the aggregated feed if you want to follow all blogs in this list.


by Lucy Keer // @drossbucket
Last post: Snarking at Rousseau again 2024-7-16

Last post: Brain worms on Easter 2024-6-11

Wesley’s Notebook

by Wesley Aptekar-Cassels // @WAptekar
Last post: Replacing the Anubis CGM Battery 2024-5-1

DRMacIver's Notebook

by David R. MacIver // @DRMacIver
Last post: Finding exercise motivations that work 2024-3-16

Do I Smell Burning?

by Kristian Glass // @doismellburning
Last post: Erdős Number 2023-9-28

jml's notebook

by Jonathan M. Lange // @mumak
Last post: Deciding who goes to church 2023-8-27

Mordecai's Ramblings

by Az // @m_malignatus
Last post: Luhmann’s Model Of Complexity, Selection Force, And Influence 2023-7-20

Dan's Notebook

by Dan O'Huiginn // @danohu
Last post: Some Links 2021-6-3

Poggie's Notebook

Last post: [German] Super – Wie die Nutzung eines Wortes sich verändert 2020-7-1